So far, I’ve finished work on the first 6 lectures which is about half of the course; but there is so much more still to come and I’m hard at work on the second half of the course. However, I need your help.

Please help me to devote more time to the course by supporting me on Patreon. Depending on how much you pledge, you can get discounts off the full course, a look behind the scenes at the making of these videos, or even early access to each lecture as it’s completed as well as some other surprises along the way. Whatever you feel you can give will allow me more time to work on the course and you’ll be able to see it sooner.

Work began back in 2015 with the blog and filming commenced in mid-2016. Why has it taken so long to film 6 lectures?

Primarily because I can only work on the course in my spare time, usually late at night. With 3 wonderful little kids to bring up and a day job which actually pays the bills, spare time is not something I have all that much of.

I want the course to be unlike anything currently available. I am putting a huge amount of effort into explaining the concepts visually with lots of computer-generated environments, green screen work, and animations which take a lot of work.

So join me, and become a part of this new and visual look at the maths behind the magic of the Fourier Transform.

Thank you for your support.